A late-night disc jockey spins records and stories, broadcasting from a pirate radio station somewhere off the coast of British Columbia. Hosted by Ron Reed, the founder and Artistic Director Emeritus of Pacific Theatre. ”In theatre we have a tradition; whenever the theatre is empty we are always sure to leave one light on. Typically on a stand in the center of the stage, this light is known as the ghost light. There are many stories about its origin, but it‘s meaning is unmistakable. Though the theatre is empty, WE WILL RETURN. Until then, here’s a ghost light -- to let the world know we will be back.” Dalen O‘Connell, March 16 2020

Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Soul Food: Easter Presence, Act 2 - April 11, 2020
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Hope you had a good Intermission. Time for some more Presence - like Christmas, but, well, for Easter. Act Two features Rebecca deBoer, Loren Wilkinson, Nicola Shannon, and me, reading from from Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Sheila Rosen, David Kossoff, Luci Shaw, and Michael Symmons Roberts. With music from Miriam Jones, Ken Whitely, Cheryl Bear, Gillian Welch, Carolyn Arends, Julee Glaub, Viper Central, The Original Sloth Band, and Taj Mahal (joined by the Pointer Sisters). So let's close the lobby doors, settle in, get comfortable, and turn off your devices - well, except the one you're listening to this on. Enjoy the show!

Friday Apr 10, 2020
Soul Food: Easter Presence, Act 1 - April 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Hello! And welcome to Act One of Pacific Theatre's Easter Presence. Like Christmas Presence, it's a potluck of food for the soul - salads and hotdishes and dessert, pretty much whatever folks had on hand and wanted to bring bring to the table. Music and literature by a host of Pacific Theatre's artists and friends, including The Nelson Boschman Trio, Jon Ochsendorf, Chris Hawley, Rick Colhoun, Adrian Walther, Ira & David, Ken Whiteley, Chantal Gallant, Laura Koch (of The Kwerks), Peter La Grand, Ian Farthing, Leigh Ann & Ryan Howarth, Kirsty Provan, Allen Desnoyers, and Michael Hart. With readings from Lucy Grealy, J.D. Salinger, Steve Turner, and Luci Shaw.

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Soul Food: The Ghost Light Season - April 6, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Damien, Shakespeare's plague, Spencer Capier (as usual), Bard on the Beach, Ensemble Theatre Company, Original Sloth Band, Passion Week movies, Easter Presence, Frederick Buechner, Yo-Yo Ma, Simon Webb. As they say on Men In Blazers, "We've got a packed show tonight..."

Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Soul Food: The Ghost Light Season - April 4, 2020
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy, Today at the Movies, Sean O'Casey, John Patrick Shanley, The Beatles, and more! Featuring Julie Casselman, John Voth, Spencer Capier, Tim Dixon, Laura Koch, Adri Boschman, and the lady in the Killucan cemetery.

Friday Apr 03, 2020

Friday Apr 03, 2020

Friday Apr 03, 2020

Friday Apr 03, 2020

Friday Apr 03, 2020